How we work
Placement Stability
Our aim is to consider the likely impact upon young people already placed at the semi- independent resource and the likelihood of the resource being able to offer a safe and positive placement for the young person being referred.
Nivalo Care Services insist on receiving adequate information prior to placement to enable us to make decisions on the interventions. This is to achieve a positive outcome and to assess compatibility with the existing residents.
Nivalo Care Services will ensure that statutory visits and reviews take place within appropriate timescales, and we will request a review of any resident’s relevant plans where there has been a significant change in a young person’s development or needs, or where there are concerns arising from behaviours that might suggest that a young person’s welfare is at risk.
Should any special need become apparent once the young person is placed with our service, which had previously been unknown, and which we feel are beyond the staff team’s ability to manage, this will be reported immediately to the placing authority’s allocated worker.
We work closely with local authorities to find solutions to problems which may lead to placement disruption. We aim to maintain placements in difficult circumstances through solid partnership working. We believe that open, honest and ongoing communication between all parties involved in a young person’s life and with the young person themselves, is the key to maintaining stability and minimising disruption.
Our expectation is that the placing authority’s allocated worker will take the lead in seeking additional resources or moving the young person on in a planned way, whichever is decided as the appropriate way forward.
If an emergency situation occurs out of hours the council’s emergency duty team will be notified immediately and other relevant parties, the next working day.